Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Not-really-Secret Annex

Back to school! We had two extra days of Christmas break because of the Polar Vortex. It was so cold that we all had to stay inside and do nothing. It was GREAT.

Today the temperature was above zero, so back to school. Our school has a new annex where all the middle school kids will be. So, I have all new classrooms, a new locker, and a new lunchroom. The annex is very big and the ceilings are very tall. The rooms are cool. They are painted in a wide array of colors and have modern windows.

The lunchroom is big enough that there can be two sections -- peanut free and peanut friendly. I sat in the peanut free section, because my mom didn't include any peanut products in my lunch. She asked me if I wanted peanut butter crackers tomorrow and I said yes, so I will sit in the peanut friendly section.

Here is a picture of me in Ms. Diggins' room!

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