Monday, February 9, 2015

Disney: Animation for the Gods

So you all remember Phineas and Ferb right? Well, tonight our favorite nacho-headed kid and Isabella finally got together after nine years (eight if you don't count the series preview after HSM2) and my mom & even one of the shows creators Swampy was bawling about it. Anyway, DISNEY IS PRETTY MUCH ANIMATION FOR THE LORD HIMSELF!

Before I continue praising Disney for actually making this happen, I must congratulate them for buying Marvel & Lucasfilm and becoming the mega-million dollar corporation that it is today.

Anyway like animal crackers, Disney is animation of the gods! They make so many great animated films, TV shows (well, some TV shows), video games, whatever! Being an animation stud myself, I grew up with modern Disney but I still have a soft spot for old Disney like The Lion King, Aladdin, Cinderella and others. I hope 2015 is a great year for Uncle Walt's legacy and many more to come.

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